quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2014


You must activate the relevant UI services for master data maintenance and for monitoring of central messaging.


1.         Enter transaction code SICF and choose Execute.

2.         Select the following entries in the navigation tree for the Virtual Hosts/Services under  default_host sap bc webdynpro xnfe .

3.         Activate the service for displaying the user interfaces for each of the following entries by using the context menu and selecting Activate Service.

NF-e Layout 2.00

1.                       nfe_monitor_new for NF-e Monitor

2.                       batch_monitor_new for NF-e Batch Monitor

3.                       master_batch for Batch Processing Settings

4.                       status_monitor_new for Service Status Monitor

5.                       nfe_monitor_arch for NF-e Monitor for Archived NF-es

6.                       incoming_monitor for Incoming B2B NF-es

7.                       ssf maintenance for SSF maintenance

NF-e Layout 3.10 and Higher

8.                       nfe_outb_monitor for NF-e Monitor

9.                       nfe_batch_monitor for NF-e Batch Monitor

10.                    nfe_servsta_monitor for Service Status Monitor

11.                    nfe_outb_monitor_arch for NF-e Monitor for Archived NF-es

12.                    ssf maintenance for SSF maintenance

4.         In addition, you must activate the following basic services in the navigation tree for the Virtual Hosts/Servicesunder  default_host sap public bc :

1.                       ur for Unified Rendering

2.                       icons for SAP Icons

3.                       icons_rtl for Icons RTL

4.                       pictograms for Pictograms

5.                       webdynpro for Web Dynpro MIME Handling

Fonte 1: help.sap.com/saphelp_nfe10

Fonte 2: Pedro Baroni - Configuração Nota Técnica 2013/007 - SEFAZ Virtual de Contingência (SVC)


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